Don’t be overwhelmed by a failed test. These types of charges can be successfully defended. Penalties and other consequences can be mitigated.
I specialise in drink driving cases and have successfully defended many clients. I am an expert on the law relating to excess breath or blood alcohol, refusing blood and failing to accompany charges. I have achieved top results for many clients and will strive for the best possible outcome for you.
There are many procedural and rights based defences that apply in drink drive cases. The Supreme Court has recently stated that if the procedures performed by Police do “not pass muster” the subsequent breath or blood test results cannot be relied on in a prosecution. These defences recognise that an appropriate remedy should be provided when procedural protections or a citizen’s rights are not properly complied with. In other words, if the Police do not prove they complied with their requirements you may have a defence – even if you were driving with excess breath or blood alcohol. Do not assume the Police got it right in your case. Police fail to comply with procedures and rights more often than you may think.
If you are serious about defending these types of charges don’t select a lawyer just because he or she is offering a seemingly cheap rate. There may well be a reason for that. Make sure your case gets the legal expertise and time it deserves.
Come and meet with me about your case – for free! I don’t charge for the first meeting. If you decide to instruct me I will offer you expert legal advice and representation at an affordable and fair rate. Finance is available by third party arrangement (conditions apply) if you need help with legal fees, don’t qualify for legal aid or wish to choose to instruct me rather than receive a lawyer allocated by the state.